Friendship Bracelet Guide Kumihimo Wheel Loom Disc
Made by Jersey Girl Graphics
Remember making friendship bracelets back in the day with cardboard wheels? I used to love to do this with the Girl Scouts but the cardboard wouldn't last. This is a solution to that. Make a laser cut bracelet braid wheel that will be durable and last. Sell individually or with some thread so they can have their own kits. Add text to personalize their name or write a bracelet guide. Numbers are engraved to help beginners with their bracelets.
Remember making friendship bracelets back in the day with cardboard wheels? I used to love to do this with the Girl Scouts but the cardboard wouldn't last. This is a solution to that. Make a laser cut bracelet braid wheel that will be durable and last. Sell individually or with some thread so they can have their own kits. Add text to personalize their name or write a bracelet guide. Numbers are engraved to help beginners with their bracelets.
Assembly time
0 min
Assembly skill
Assembled size
0.125 x 3 x 3 in
Materials Suggested
Not includedLICENSE