Hat Patch Template - 3.5" x 2"
Made by Rose of Sharon Digital
This handy jig will help you apply patches to hats with greater accuracy, and with more speed! Just place it on the hat, and align your patch in the cutout. This jig can accommodate up to a 3.5" x 2" patch. It can be cut out of any soft material that can bend with the curve of the hat. I used cardstock for some and taped the sides, but my leather one drapes awesome on its own, not requiring any tape.
This handy jig will help you apply patches to hats with greater accuracy, and with more speed! Just place it on the hat, and align your patch in the cutout. This jig can accommodate up to a 3.5" x 2" patch. It can be cut out of any soft material that can bend with the curve of the hat. I used cardstock for some and taped the sides, but my leather one drapes awesome on its own, not requiring any tape.
A Glowforge Exclusive Design
Assembly time
0 min
Assembly skill
Assembled size
0.1 x 7 x 3.25 in
Materials Suggested
20lb Copy Paper
Not includedLICENSE