Hexagonal Key Fobs With Three Motifs
Made by Dennis Ward
Never mistake your keys for anyone else’s with a custom laser cut key fob. This design features three motifs to choose from and the frames have plenty of space for customization. The motif designs really pop against dark frames when cut from light-colored Proofgrade and are a perfect way to utilize some of the scrap material we all save for a rainy day. In addition to wood, these look great in acrylic and even leather. This laser cutting design can utilize many easily-found fasteners – traditional split rings and hinged loose-leaf rings. “Lobster claw” clasps will make your fob really stand out, too.
Never mistake your keys for anyone else’s with a custom laser cut key fob. This design features three motifs to choose from and the frames have plenty of space for customization. The motif designs really pop against dark frames when cut from light-colored Proofgrade and are a perfect way to utilize some of the scrap material we all save for a rainy day. In addition to wood, these look great in acrylic and even leather. This laser cutting design can utilize many easily-found fasteners – traditional split rings and hinged loose-leaf rings. “Lobster claw” clasps will make your fob really stand out, too.
A Glowforge Exclusive Design
Assembly time
10 min
Assembly skill
Assembled size
0.375 x 2 x 2 in
Materials Suggested