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White Lid Cable

Regular price $1.60
Regular price Sale price $1.60
There’s a camera under the lid of your Glowforge that gives you a preview in the Glowforge App of the material in the printer bed and the design you’re printing. The white lid cable connects the camera to the rest of your Glowforge.

You may need to replace the white lid cable if it becomes damaged, the image of your printer bed won’t update in the app, or you’ve worked with one of our support team members and they’ve recommended a new one.

You can find instructions to install your white lid cable here.

What is Proofgrade?

Pre-finished, protected, and perfectly calibrated for guaranteed prints.
Proofgrade is the first line of materials beautifully designed and safety tested for laser cutting and engraving. Proofgrade materials are specifically formulated for the Glowforge 3D laser printer, and are outstanding for any CO2 laser cutter/laser engraver.
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