Rainbow Crayon Artist Teacher Earrings
Made by Jersey Girl Graphics
Get creative with these laser cut rainbow crayon earrings. These can be painted in all sorts of colors. Add larger (than the standard) "o" rings for more dangle. Fast cut and a great scrap buster. These make a perfect gift for a teacher or artist. Perfect for your next craft fair.
Get creative with these laser cut rainbow crayon earrings. These can be painted in all sorts of colors. Add larger (than the standard) "o" rings for more dangle. Fast cut and a great scrap buster. These make a perfect gift for a teacher or artist. Perfect for your next craft fair.
A Glowforge Exclusive Design
Assembly time
3 min
Assembly skill
Assembled size
0.13 x 1.2 x 2.5 in
Materials Suggested
jump rings
earring hooks
Paint pens
jewelry assembly
Not includedLICENSE